Here is the latest issue of The New Age, with what we hope you will enjoy reading and gaining from. This journal serves our part in the world of the organised New Church here in Australia and New Zealand. It joins us together in who we are and what we do. It’s national, not parochial, although it includes reports from various societies. It is also the place for serious articles on whatever people feel moved to write about, and it is always good, and even more, it is important to consider everything from some aspect of the teachings of the New Church.
Saying that the world is changing is a bit of a platitude because this will always be the case. But I imagine that all of us feel that the world is dramatically changing these days in all kinds of ways. It would be tempting to start elaborating on all the changes but this isn’t really the place for that.
With rapid extensive change, there is an even greater need for people to find and use what doesn’t change – what will not ever change – and be mindful of such things which are divine and eternal, and which are the laws which apply to our lives. Such laws direct us to what is true and what is good, and we know that these really matter.
Some of the changes going on in the world are actually good ones. We tend not to notice these as much as the others. But they’re certainly there. A greater transparency and accountability is just one example. Good changes like that and others are like a global version of what are hopefully good changes going on individually, in us. We call that the work of regeneration but it really means that we are aware of becoming surer and more faithful to what we believe.
This is gradual, maybe imperceptible, but hopefully noticeable. If we are working with the Lord, the Lord will always take us further on from where we were before. This is the way the Lord quietly blesses us and encourages us to keep it up. So, enjoy being in it and being a part.